Hello everyone!
Last time you heard from me here I was promising part four of my bestsellers list. It turns out that list was more challenging to put together than I expected so I’m still trying to come up with a fun way to present it, but I can tell you that you people really love Funko Pops!
I just wanted to take a few minutes today to update people on what’s been happening and where I’ve been!
First of all, Theros Beyond Death prerelease and release was an unparalleled success at our Game Center location. Throne of Eldraine was our biggest prerelease ever, and historically the winter prerelease is our smallest prerelease of the year…and Theros Beyond Death had a bigger turnout than Throne of Eldraine! When we went to our goodie bag prize payout I wasn’t sure how people would respond, but it turns out people are really enjoying the style of event we’ve been running. That said we’re working on mixing up the plan for Ikoria, so keep your eyes peeled for more details on that!
You like Elspeth! You really really like her!
ComicsPRO is coming up in just a few weeks in Portland, Oregon. Joe and I are heading up there this year to talk with publishers and other retailers about how we move forward in 2020 as an industry. That means we’re in crunch time putting together the meeting behind the scenes and that is sucking up time these days. I hope that you’ll hear lots of information as that event approaches and takes place, but it is all too early in the planning stages to discuss just yet!
In addition to that, Free Comic Book Day is coming! Which also means that Free Comic Book Night is returning. We have a really fun idea for Free Comic Book Night this year to change the event up, but it takes time to coordinate behind the scenes on both counts. Things are falling into place, however, and we will start making announcements very soon!
So while I am super busy, in the evenings I try to kick back and relax with some games, frequently Magic Arena, but sometimes I mix in Magic Online during Cube seasons, or silliness like Overwatch. As a result I’ve started digging into streaming on Twitch. If you’re bored throw me a follow over at twitch.tv/theauratog and you might catch me in the evenings goofing off! Signing off for now to get back to Free Comic Book Day planning, talk to you all again soon!
A custom playmat that I had Jeff Miracola do for me several years ago. Now my avatar over at twitch.tv/theauratog