April was Quite the Month, huh? ...Wait, it's September?!
Hi everyone! It is September 8, 2020, and where to even begin?
Most importantly, More Fun is still here, and we can’t begin to express our gratitude for how much support from our customers we’ve seen throughout the last several months. We’re working on our Fall and Winter plans and wanted to start with and update here for everyone to check out.
First up, More Fun Toys!
We’re opening…soon!
That’s right, we’re opening another store! During the pandemic while things were shut down, conversations happened with our friends at Mad World Records where they talked about moving on from their physical storefront. When they mentioned it to me, I told them of a concept I had in the back of my head for several years. Everyone agreed it would be a good fit for the space, so Mad World has moved their business online (you can find them here), and More Fun Toys! started to form!
Why a new toy store? As More Fun Comics and Games has expanded its selection over the years, I’ve gotten to see LOTS of other product lines and collections that are very cool, but just didn’t quite fit, either thematically or in literal space on the floor. More Fun Toys! is how we’re bringing all those cool items to Denton, and we can’t wait!
When will it open? Well, we’re working on it. When the idea was first confirmed, I was targeting Labor Day weekend, but this is being posted the day after Labor Day, so clearly that didn’t quite pan out. It’s ok, though! We’re getting there, it is just a matter of the fact that the pandemic has slowed every step down. Inspections, shipping, and logistical work behind the scenes are all at a snail’s pace right now, so we’re just moving as fast was we can manage. I’d love to be open mid-October at this point. Keep your eyes on our Facebook and Instagram pages for details on the things you’ll find in the new store!
More Fun Comics and Games isn’t going anywhere, don’t worry! One thing More Fun Toys! will allow us to do is to bring in a wider variety of things like game miniatures, books, and back issues, which we’ve been working feverishly on all Summer.
Finally, there’s the More Fun Game Center, which has been hit hardest by the pandemic since piling 30-50 people in a confined space just isn’t a good idea. We’re still open a couple days a week, but are looking at expanding shopping hours soon and are also changing up the setup and product mix. We can’t thank our game communities enough for the support we have seen for Magic prereleases, new Dungeons and Dragons product, and Warhammer in spite of the inability to run events in store. We hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying games with friends and family while we wait for things to settle down and events to resume again.
That’s the quick catch up for you on where we are now, but part of my goal is to regularly blog going forward. I was doing an ok job the first few months of the year until, well, YOU KNOW. Now that things are still a mess, but at least a sort of predictable one, I look forward to communicating here more often. Anything you want to see me write about? Comment below or e-mail me at morefuncomicsandgames@gmail.com any time!
Stay safe, and we’ll see you soon!